Finding the perfect shoe

Looking for the perfect shoe to dance in , comfrontiabilty is a must 
Yes I know ladies it sounds like I am going to talk about a granny shoes well
you are wrong . As far as I know you have to adjust ... How ? You are wondering  
1.put a maxi pad in your shoes 
2. Switch to ballerina shoes( cough not sleepers) Dr. Schols comfront  pads (big fan) Duane Reads 46.00
4 aresols have some cute shoes ......price. Varies
5. Wedges #1 winner , the wedge is overall more comfrontable then the pump 

 FYI ladies being a lady thickem.... We have a time limit in our shoe let's make every moment fierce 

 You know what I always say: Let's look fashtabulusz together!


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